Return & Refund Policy

Did you receive a wrong, damaged, defective product(s) or product(s) with missing parts? No worries, our support & operations team are here to assist you in the best possible manner. Our goal is to provide customers with outstanding services.

Return Policies & Procedure

The customer can return a wrong, damaged, defective, or missing part / incomplete product. In case of a damaged product, the customer should inform the assigned courier company and Kefir Link within 3 days of the delivery and in case of other conditions, the return window is open for 7 days after delivery. Our policy does not address customer concerns after 7 days of delivery. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

The customer must meet the following conditions to return any product:

  • The customer must contact us within 7 days of the delivery.
  • The product should be in resalable condition.
  • The product should be in its original packaging including the brand’s box, MRP tag intact, user manual and warranty card.
  • The product must be returned by the customer in its entirety with all accompanying accessories or free gifts present therein.

The customer needs to contact our support team to report an issue regarding the damaged, defective, or wrong product.

The customer must provide/upload all the required images & videos with a short-detailed description that will help the team investigate the case.

Product categories & conditions not eligible for return:

  • Products with missing labels or accessories.
  • Food and baverage items
  • Products that have been tampered with or have missing serial numbers.
  • A product that has been used or installed by the customer.
  • Any product not in its original form or packaging.
  • Products that are damaged, defective, or different from what was originally ordered.

Refund Policies & Procedure

In the event of a return, the refund process will begin only after the product has been received, inspected & examined at our warehouse facility, indicating that it meets the eligibility criteria. Refund approval or rejection depends upon the investigation carried out by the responsible team.

Once we initiate a refund, it will take approximately 7-10 business days for the amount to reflect in the original payment method. However, the same varies according to the bank’s settlement standards.

Sale Items:

Products which are part of any sale/promotional offer cannot be refunded unless they are flawed.

  • 克菲爾奶屬於生鮮食品等消耗性商品,有保存期限等問題,故不適用於消費者保護法第19條,並不享有7天鑑賞期󠀩󠀩󠀩󠀩。一旦出貨,除了商品本身瑕疵或運送過程而造成的損毀,我們才能接受您的退貨申請,下單前請務必考慮清楚!
  • 到貨後請立即拆箱並檢視商品,如有問題,請於收貨3日內聯繫客服人員,LINE官方@642sgfta。若為買家本人人為損壞商品,恕無法辦理退換貨
  • 到貨當日,請務必確認有人可以收貨;若因買家緣故,導致物流投遞不成功,如無人在家收件、買家電話不接、地址填寫錯誤、臨時更改地址等等,而導致物流公司退貨,東歐嚴選將扣除必要費用後(如物流費用與因延誤期間而過期產品),才能為您進行退款動作,請理解。
  • 如遇天災人禍(如颱風或政府宣布停班停課),宅配有所延遲,不能成為退貨之主因。
  • 退款流程約需7-10個工作天,各銀行有些微差異。
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